Friday, September 19, 2008

In The Viewfinder Widget

Did you know you can have In The Viewfinder on your web site, blog, Myspace or Facebook page? It's true! Yep, any web page you want. Here is how to do it. Just look on the right side of this page and find the In The Viewfinder Widget. At the bottom select Get Widget. There you will find some code to copy and put in your own blog, social site or web site.

Just rip that sucker right off there and put it on your page! Each time I publish a new article your widget will update instantly, and you can keep up with all the new articles from In The Viewfinder right from your own personal site! Pretty groovy eh?

While you're at it why not click on the "Follow this Blog" icon on the right too, and add your name to the list of regular visitors to this site? I'd really appreciate it, especially if you visit often. This helps me know who is interested in what I'm doing here. Kinda helps to know where you are coming from. And who is looking at my stuff. ;-)

At the bottom of the list of links on the right, way down there is also a RSS feed if you'd rather have that. That RSS stuff is kinda hard to figure out for me but you may like it. LOL.
These are just some ways to keep up with all that is going in my viewfinder and will help you know when there are new articles to see. It's free too.

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