Thursday, April 15, 2010

Produce Special Interest Videos And Discover Hidden Profits In Your Video Business

Why would you want to produce special interest videos?
Guest Writer: Kim Miller

If you are a videographer, you most likely got interested in this business because you love the creative aspects of producing a great video. And like many videographers who run a video service company, you’re maybe frustrated with some aspects of running this type of business, like lining up clients, contracting yourself out, freelancing, running a storefront for your business, etc. Tough economic times may have you spending more time looking for clients rather than creating video productions and that really affects your passion for your craft. If you’re at that point, it’s time to consider all opportunities to keeping your excitement for video alive…and make money.

That is why I feel producing special interest videos is a perfect sideline where you can overcome these limitations of the video service business. In my video below, I talk about one of the reasons why I love doing this type of work. It is only one of many.

Shoot It Once, Sell It For Years

Unlike the service production business, the special interest video lets you multiply your profits and sell products around the world from the comfort of your home. For pennies a day you can have your own digital storefront that sells your line of videos around the clock.. Or you can work with distributors who do it for you and send you monthly checks. You’ll see us enthusiastically call this our Shoot It Once, Sell It For Years business model.

If you own a small video business with a service industry model, you or your staff, can only produce a program for one client at a time. Then when that program is delivered and you get your final payment, you won’t make any more money on that project you probably poured your heart into. Your model is providing service one to one and your income potential is limited to only the number of clients you can handle. You then have to focus on selling more to the client or charging more for your services, which may be difficult in your market area or in the type of videos you do.

With a special interest video title, you can put your effort into producing it…and sell to many. Just yesterday I received a check from one distributor for seven DVDs they bought from us. The DVDs sell in a specialty market (agriculture education) for $120 and we sell them wholesale for $79 each. So we made $497 on a DVD we produced 9 years ago. All I had to do was ship the DVDs to them. If you have it set up with a fulfillment house, a separate business that does all the warehousing, packaging and shipping for you, your only effort at this point would be dialing the phone.

Free Yourself From Those Difficult Clients

Another great benefit is the freedom from demanding clients because you are the boss and your own client. Over the last year, we’ve been able to really pick and choose the best clients in our service based video business because we now have a steady - and growing - stream of income from the video titles we sell. Imagine being able to say yes to only the more profitable and satisfying projects in your business.

Do It Your Way

Along with that you get creative expression and can do it your way. You can be pretty much in charge of the whole process, from beginning to end. Although my first title wasn’t that sexy, Properties Of Soil, I absolutely loved the process of creating it! It brought together all my creative sides; researching, scripting, story-boarding, shot visualization, working with people (the advisor, narrator, on-camera talent, etc.), shooting and editing. The fact that title alone has made around $100,000 is icing on the cake.

Your income is limited only by your enthusiasm and imagination. Let me tell you, it is great personal fulfillment to get paid to produce your dream production.

This business has really stretched my own beliefs about myself and has taken me down paths I couldn’t imagine. So if you can imagine taking an idea you have and producing a video program or series that will get seen by hundreds of people, maybe thousands and makes you money for years, it’s not as implausible as it sounds.

Guest Writer: Kim Miller

Kim is a co-owner in a video/media production business. {Panorama Studios} She produces and sells video and other information products internationally as well as works with corporate clients in her local area.

To discover how you too can shoot it once and sell it for years, sign up for your free How To Sell Your Videos starter kit. We take you through the initial steps you need to do to produce and sell your DVDs. You'll also get our weekly newsletter where we dispense tips and advice on selling your video titles and up-to-the date information on how to be successful in your online business and marketing strategy.

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