Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Vlogging Success {Video Blogging}

Video blogging, sometimes shortened to vlogging is a form of blogging for which the medium is video. Entries are made regularly and often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata.

Video logs (vlogs) also often take advantage of web syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation and playback on mobile devices and personal computers.

Below are five things that will help make your next video blog successful.

Good Lighting - This is one of the most important aspects of a video. Without good lighting people won’t be able to see your face and the video will be very fuzzy. So to make sure you have good lighting I suggest having at least 2 100 Watt lights, one on either side of you. Or shoot outside. In fact, getting out means you have things to point the camera at, thus content!

Good Intro - If you have a bad intro, or not one at all, people usually won’t stay and watch your entire video. A good intro should catch the viewers attention and get them interested in what you have to say. Usually a good intro is comical and features the host doing something odd, or “stupid”. If you’d like to go the more serious route you can have a few pictures of your self with words that describe your content popping up next to you. The idea is to grab them quickly, because the exit is just a click away.

Good Content- Like anything else on the Internet, without good content no one will watch your video. But, on a video it helps to have content that you KNOW your visitors are interested in or like. Talk about things you know something about. Never wander and appear pointless. Have a subject and stick to it. Plus your vlog is like any other show, it must have a beginning - middle - and end. Politics, sports, movies, your life, news, and adventures are all good subjects, if others like them too.

Comedy - This one is part of good content, but I believe it should be separate. Good content is a must, but without a little comedy it may seem a bit bland. Tons of videos have terrible content, but they are funny so folks keep watching. If you have good content and comedy, your video will be a success. Good comedic moments are when you miss speak and keep going with it, then in editing add a sarcastic remark about how stupid what you said was, or something along those lines. Above all, be yourself and be comfortable. Try a different look too. Different clothes, different locations, etc.

Ending -Always end the video with something that will intrigue the viewer to return to your site and watch and read your future content. Promo an upcoming vlog or subject. Or leave the viewer guessing till the next vlog.

You can host your vlog experiences on Utube or a slew of other online video sites. Promote your vlog too by posting on message boards and other vloggers sites if they don't mind. In time you will build an audience, and if you have a good subject and something important or entertaining to say, people will watch.

Have Fun!

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