Sunday, February 10, 2008

Conundrums Bloopers Reel

One of the many projects I'm involved with is a little web TV series I produce on paranormal subjects. It's called Conundrums and it deals with Sasquatch, Chupacabras, Lake Monsters and more. Season one is finished and I'm writing season two. It's a short webisode series. You can see the show here:
I had alot of fun making season one. While going over some footage and tapes from the show today I put together this little bloopers reel. The days I was on location the wind was horrific. No, I'm not vain and always combing my hair. LOL I just seem to pick windy days to shoot! I shoot the live action and host parts on weekends and when I can get away, the rest is narrated and assembled during the week after my regular job. It's not Hollywood, but then it's not supposed to be. ;-)
Season two will air this fall and I'm trying to make the show longer and have more live shots. I'm also expanding the show to include UFOs, Ghosts and other strange subjects. Below you can view the outtakes and bloopers. It's silly, but most bloopers are, and it shows how much fun you can have making video! (Or entertaining yourself) :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man that was so funny! I like your blog. You ROCK!